Manufacturer of : Ferrous & Non Ferrous Castings
(Specialization in Graded Graded Cast Iron Pressure Rolls)
Quality & Compliance
Quality Assurance

We are here in this market to serve our customers in a best possible way. We give the best quality to our customers. All our products are made using finest grades of raw material present in the market. We source it from our most reliable sources. All the products are tested and verified by our experts. They are made as per the norms and regulation of the normal industries. One can avail our product at a whole sale rate.

Quality Mantra

Trials Procedure : Where new patterns are involved or where designs have been improved, the component has to undergo a pre-production trials procedure. One sample is cast and monitored through the various stages of production . Emphasis is placed on exceeding product specification and on ease of manufacture. The philosophy is that a product that is easy to make will generally be of better quality than a component which creates manufacturing problems.

Process Control : Quality control starts with checks on raw materials and is then applied throughout the manufacturing cycle. To ensure this there is an in-house quality assurance manual which sets out all the disciplines that go to make a casting with emphasis on quality assurance at every stage.

Material Analysis : A sample of every melt of metal produced is analysed in laboratory before molten metal is poured. This gives an instant and permanent record of the chemical analysis of every casting produced from a melt. Traceability is maintained by the issuing of a unique number to every casting produced from any melt. With Universal Casting Corporation pouring temperature is critical in producing high alloy castings. Pyrometer is used at the pouring stage to ensure heat temperature.

Visual Analysis : A team of inspectors check and report on castings at every stage of manufacture. In the case of machined and heat treated items this involves four separate visual and dimensional checks on surface finish and adherence to drawing tolerances

Testing : To check physical properties universal testing machine model UTN-20 is used. A wide range of equipment is used including Vickers, Rockwell and Brinell testing machines. Also a variety of special equipment is available on site for testing particular items. For instance pressure testing equipment for hydrostatically checking pump parts to 1000 PSI.

Qualifications : Universal Casting Corporation are approved to manufacture critical application components for Cement Plants, Sulphuric Acid Plants, Fertilizers & Chemical Industries and also for Thermal Power Plants. In addition to various Indian Standards made at Universal Casting Corporation the castings manufactured at large are as per ASTM/BRITISH/GERMAN standards and also approved by NTPC units.

Their trust in our quality has made “ growth” a tradition in Universal Casting Corporation.